EDPR3000 and EDPR4000 Practicum Exit Requirements Technological Education

The ED2 (Year Two) Exit Requirements are detailed in the  ED2 Practicum Exit Requirements EDPR3000 & EDPR4000.  York University Faculty of Education strives to provide passionate, creative people with an inspiring environment in which they can cultivate their interests, gain the tools they need to motivate students and engage communities, actively contribute to the evolution of education, and become powerful catalysts for change. Our B.Ed. is infused with strong principles such as equity, diversity, collaboration, interdisciplinarity, sustainability and social justice. Together with our partners in local schools, we undertake the complex and challenging role of providing the teachers of tomorrow with a solid foundation that will sustain them and inspire them as they continue learning throughout their careers in education.The Year Two practicum in the Faculty of Education is the experience of working collaboratively with a mentor teacher in a school setting. Focused coursework closely links the curriculum of the Bachelor of Education program to practicum experiences.To develop strong professional relationships within school communities and to build clear understandings of the needs of learners, Teacher Candidates (TC) will be in their host schools two days per week for ten weeks in the fall semester, followed by a 2-week block. In the winter semester, TCs will be in their host schools one day per week, followed by a 6-week block.

In addition to providing direct experience and an opportunity to apply newly acquired skills and knowledge, the practicum placements are a major source of curriculum in the sense that they bring Teacher Candidates face to face with concrete situations. The underlying assumptions of this approach are that teaching can be considered as a form of problem solving and that Teacher Candidates learn best within cohesive academic and practical situations that facilitate the opportunity to engage with learning in multiple ways, which lead the learner to inquire, deconstruct, analyse, implement, reflect upon, revise and wrestle with new understandings in meaningful ways. Active engagement, co-planning and co-teaching, and independent teaching, allow the Teacher Candidate to make sense of foundational theories of learning in a collaborative mentoring environment.

The daily expectation is active engagement with the work of the classroom for 100% of the day.

Specific classroom activities may include

  • Co‐teaching with the Mentor Teacher,
  • Working with small groups/individuals,
  • Co‐planning with the Mentor Teacher and fellow Teacher Candidates,
  • Independent planning and facilitation of student learning to demonstrate the ability to plan, differentiate, initiate, sustain, culminate, and assess student learning in an inclusive classroom environment, and
  • Lesson Study with Mentor Teachers and fellow Teacher Candidates.

In the Faculty of Education, the success of the Year Two practicum is not measured quantitatively by the percentage of the day taught; rather, it is measured qualitatively against exiting requirements for Teacher Candidates in the Practicum Evaluation Protocol. Practicum Evaluation Protocol with Feedback and Observation Forms. We recommend that TCs self-assess their progress against the Exit Requirements and engage in ongoing conversation with the Mentor Teacher to ensure

As the culmination of their Year Two experience, Teacher Candidates will enroll in a Research into Practice course, which will support their transition from Teacher Candidate to reflective and inquiring practicing teacher.