Assessment and Evaluation

Here’s What! (…TC Learning at York)

Teacher Candidates will review the fundamental principles of the assessment and evaluation process.  Through their inquiries, TCs will have opportunities to explore different ways to collect evidence of student learning and how to evaluate student learning for reporting purposes.

Teacher Candidates will understand that the primary purpose of assessment/evaluation is to improve student learning and that assessment criteria must align with expectations and instruction.

Information and resources on assessment and evaluation that have been shared with Teacher Candidates are available in the Mentoring & Teaching Resource Room (MTRR)

Assessment & Evaluation

So What? (… Linking to Practice)

TCs in Year ONE or ED2 are encouraged to relate their theoretical understandings of assessment strategies or tools to their teaching practice.

TCs in Year TWO or ED 3 will place greater emphasis on assessment by ensuring they detail their assessment tools and strategies in their lesson plans.

Now What? (…Suggestions for MT and TC Collaboration)

Share ideas and experiences how assessment information is gathered and managed in the host classroom.

Make visible to the TC how process of recording and tracking student progress is undertaken in the host classroom.  

Create a learning environment where the the TC feels comfortable in experimenting with a variety of assessment strategies and tools.

Engage in co-assessment and/or co-grading as a first step in gradually releasing responsibility to the TC for independent assessment and evaluation.

Explore the role of self-assessment in improving teacher practice.

Collaboratively review the the Practicum Evaluation Protocol Exiting Requirements, for use as a tool to identify strengths, challenges and next steps, and to plan upcoming professional conversations and learning experiences for the Teacher Candidate.